How It Works

We provide individual consultations in order to assess and give you detailed recommendations about your PFAS exposures and blood levels, as well as your exposures to other environmental toxins that can impact your health. We offer the convenience of at-home, easy-to-use PFAS blood testing, or if you prefer to go to a lab for testing, we can consult with you or your doctor about your test results.

Schedule your online consultation, fill out our PFAS Exposure Assessment Questionnaire, complete and mail in your blood test, understand the health implications of PFAS and other toxins in your life.

#1. Schedule Online

Choose Option 1,2, or 3 below and schedule your initial consultation.

#2. Assessment Questionnaire

Complete our PFAS Exposure Assessment Questionnaire and Liability Waiver prior to your first consultation.

#3. Receive and Complete Blood Test

Receive, complete, and return your at-home finger prick PFAS blood test, which tests for an array of 16 PFAS chemicals.

#4. Follow-Up Consultation

Once your test results are in, we will notify you to schedule your follow-up consultation to discuss your results.

#6. Pricing

Option 1: At-home finger-prick blood testing for 16 PFAS chemicals and two 30-minute  Physician Consultations (pre and post blood testing): $399.00

Option 2: One-hour Physician Consultation for those with prior PFAS testing results from a doctor or lab: $149.00

Option 3: PFAS Exposure Assessment and 45-minute Physician Consultation to discuss your PFAS exposure risks and risk reduction (no blood testing included):  $99.00